Friday, June 20, 2008

My Top 5

5. Spending time with friends. Ever since I moved out here it has been hard to make some good friends, but I have been lucky. Working at the school has allowed me to make many friends. I have enjoyed them all lately. Going to Phoenix and spending time with Steph and Carolyn, going to St. George or even Mesquite with Jeri, and my wonderful phone calls with Erika. I value you all! Thanks for being there.

4. Having someone cook you dinner. The other day I went to see Dan, my boyfriend, and he said he was going to cook for me. Let's just say he knows what he is doing when it comes to the kitchen. He does a wonderful job and man I was greatly impressed and not just because he is my boyfriend. It was a fun day and a fun evening.

3. My grandpa's sense of humor. The last few months, well basically year, has been really tough on my family, more my grandpa. He has kept such an upbeat sense of life right now. Different things that the doctor has told him lately or even stuff on t.v., he finds a way to make us laugh about it and it is great. He just has been able to keep a smile on my face lately.

2. Finally making the plans. I have finally finalized everything to go home on the 29th of this month. I am really getting excited to go and I can't wait. Now if I could get the company to answer so I could get cruise, that would help loads and loads.

1. One week of being together. Just so everyone knows, it is going well!! We are having fun getting to know each other and spending time together. I am also helping him find a job, so if you know of any place, let me know.


Steph said...

Sounds like life is heading in the right direction!!!!

Erika said...

I'm glad to hear your sumer is looking up! We finally made it to Idaho... I'll update soon!