Friday, June 13, 2008

My Week

Last friday I left Beaver Dam and headed for Tempe Arizona. This was my first time driving a long distance and doing it on my own. So my cds, a map, and water headed on out. I did well getting there. Took some pictures of some catcui that only grow in Arizona as I drove and even took pictures of the Hoover Dam as I went over it. It was cool to see all the progress on the new over pass they are buliding. Well when I hit Tempe or Phoenix, I decided to head to where I had to take a test in the morning. The tests that I had to take, are in order for me to keep my job next year. So as I headed there I had a bit of a near accident happen. Out of nowhere this guy came and some stuff happened and basically I got the finger. Good thing that I have a new car, good brakes and a good friend to talk to afterwards about it. I was pretty shuck up with what happened, that I got off early and called Jeri. She is a good friend and a big help. But after that life was good. The hotel I stayed in was close to where I stayed last summer. So that helped big time.

On Saturday, I took the test and that was a load of my chest. Then I headed to Scottsdale on Sunday. I spend the day shopping and loving it. I went and saw Sex and the City. It was great and it was sold out. I spend loads of money but it was great.

On Monday and Tuesday, I spend the days at a great resort for a reading first conference. It was great and I learned loads and loads. Those of you that are going this next week will enjoy it. I learned a lot and I was glad I went.

Well Wednesday was spend traveling and then meeting my friend Carolyn's nephew. He is really nice and we are dating now. We also watched Jerin cheer at a game. So I will have pictures up of everything tomorrow. Hope all is having fun and enjoying their summer!


Erika said...

Dating? Does that mean exclusively? I'm very excited to hear more details, and most glad that you're safe and survived Phoenix/Scottsdale by yourself! I'm happy to hear that the conference is good. We'll have to get together after all of our traveling and catch up.

Steph said...

I need some details about this new dating situation!!!!