Monday, February 2, 2009


I know it is only Monday, but I have a few frustrations this week already. I thought it would be a good week. I mean today started out good. So here is my list of frustrations:

1. This Cold- I want it gone!!!!

2. People who get away with it all!!! You know who you are and I am tired of you wrecking my life. You will pay soon.

3. Being so far away- The weekend is coming soon for my parents to come!

So maybe it is not a lot, but I am saying that number 2 is the one that makes me so mad!!! I want that person to pay. But I have to say that Mr. Peterson is great and he helped big time today. Thanks Mr. Peterson!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Please don't kill anyone! I really don't want to have to bail you out of jail:)