Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I know that graduation was about a month ago, but I never got to go nor did I get to see pictures. Now that I am home at my parents, I can see them and blog about it. So the girl in the pictures is my cousin Danielle. She is like my little sister/daughter in ways. We spent so much time together when she was little. I use to stay over and we would watch Barney and play Barbies. Yeah that is right, I did all those things. When I got my drivers license, we would go out to lunch and stuff. People would tell me how beautiful my daughter was, so that is why I call her that. We use to be inseperable, but then I went to college in alaska. We have stayed close but not as much. I love this girl with all my heart and I don't want anything to happen to her. For her graduation, I was not able to attend because of school and such, but I sent her a card that made both of us cry. We are now the same height as each other and she is so beautiful. Anyways this goes out to my beautiful Danielle.

Oh and that is my mom. Love that lady too!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Cute! Danielle is lucky to have you. I hope you are enjoying your time with your family and friends! Summer is just booking by isn't it?!