Sunday, June 1, 2008

This Week's Top 5

This week has been full of doing nothing, but surprises a long the way too. So I guess I will start with my number 5 and get on down to number 1.

5. Being able to sleep in until whenever. I am so use to getting up at 6 and taking my time to get dressed and then getting to school by at least 7:15, but now that school is out I don't have to get dressed or get up early. I pretty much lay around and do what I want until about 11 and then I get going.

4. Spending time being made HOT! On Wednesday I went and had my hair cut and colored. It was so nice to go and do that. When I walked out I felt like a new women and looking at the pictures makes me realize how good looking I am. LOL!!! I also liked hearing all the good things about my hair and how nice a friend of mine is.

3. Going to the arcade. On Friday I decided to take my friend Jeri's girls out and go to the arcade. We had loads of fun at the arcade and then had a big surprise when we headed for the library. I thought my tire looked flat when we left the aracade, but I was not to sure.

2. Getting my tire fixed. So to continue from number 3, we got the library and Miranda kept asking me if my car was hissing. I could not hear it since I had a four year old whining as I was trying to get her out of the car. So I went and looked and sure enough. So I was going to call my friend Daniel to have him help me out or give me an idea of who to go see, when I took it into my own hands and went to Big O. As we sat and waited the girls and I made wagers as to how much it was going to cost. When the guy was finished I asked him and he said they would tell me inside. Just as I went to go in, he came out and let me know that I was good to go. He was kind of cute and the girls were like he likes you and he thinks you are cute. I have been told my a friend to go and follow up on that. LOL!

1. Going shopping with Jeri. Jeri and I kind of have this thing if one goes into Mesquite we always ask the other, so that is what we did yesterday. We went over to Wal-Mart and someone we were hiding from was there, so we kept hiding down the aisles. After we left I got a few text messages and her daughter was so cute. She kept saying,"Aaawwww Mommy say got a text message!" You would have to hear her say it. It was so cute the way she kept saying it.

Well this week brings some adventures at school and then Friday I am off to Phoenix all by myself for about a week. So everyone look forward to some pictures.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Exciting week! I'll be ready for more details tomorrow!