Thursday, June 26, 2008

Week of Stress

So this week has been an interesting one for me. I am currently enrolled in an online master's program. It actually is going well, but since the first week expects a lot from you it does not work to be in another class. I am also enrolled in a class to work on finishing up my deficiencies for my teaching certificate. As I sit in this class all week I keep on thinking of all the things I need to do before I leave for Michigan on Sunday. So my wonderful friend Carolyn says to me on Monday, "Why don't you come up and carpool with me all week?" She is taking the class and that is where Dan is living since she is his aunt. So I went up there on Tuesday and let me tell you it made my life so much better. I stayed there until today and it was great. Everyday I would come home to my boyfriend and him waiting to spend some time with me. We quickly set some ground rules that I had to do some homework before we could actually spend quality time together. He would play video games and I would do either homework for either class. It worked well and Carolyn helped me with some of the big stuff for this week long class. Then Dan would cook dinner and it was great. He is an excellent cook and I can not see why he does not cook or become a professional cook. So it was great having time with him since I am leaving on Sunday and I think he really enjoys me being around even though he won't tell me that. But I could totally see how great life could be, teach all day and come home to a man who cooks for you! That would be the perfect dream for me!

I also got to see one of my students the other day. It was great and it was so nice to get a running hug from her. I miss my Savanna a lot and we are going to spend time together after we both are done traveling. I promise to have pictures next time.


Erika said...

Yes, I did buy and read The Host. I loved it, let me know if you want to borrow it when you're back from Michigan, if you didn't buy it already. Hope you're doing well!

Steph said...

I have it too! Hope you're livin' large! Stay SAFE!

Sunny and Tom Richins said...

I hope things work out for you and Dan. I want to see some pictures of you two on your blog!
Sunny (Dan's cousin/Carolyn's daughter)