Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Wonderful Weekend

So I have to say that right now I feel really blessed. I have loads of great people in my life and as I get to know more people, I just feel even more blessed. If you all remember this summer I was dating my friend Carolyn's nephew, Dan. We dated for awhile and then we broke up, well you know how girls can be. We are now back together and it has been back and forth ever since he moved back to Colorado in September. Once he moved away I just found that I need to tell him certain things and ever since I have told him my feelings, we have been back and forth. Of course we are back and forth with being together because of the distance.

Anyways about two weeks ago we got back together and we said this time was it. We were not going to do the whole rollercoaster thing anymore. I told him it was just to much for me to do with the whole emotions and all that. So we have been doing really well and as soon as he said we could try the long distance again, he said "I am coming to see you this weekend." This is how the whole things happened. He decided to come and see me, but then it snowed between here and there so he couldn't come that first weekend. But he bought a plane ticket and was here the next weekend, which brings me to my wonderful weekend.

Dan flew out here on Friday of this past weekend and was here until last night. We hung out in Vegas and spent the rest of the weekend at his Aunt's house. We had a lot of fun together and I really got to see that he really has feelings for me and I think he saw that I mean business. I kept on him all weekend about our plans and what is next. But I will remember this for sure,"If it is meant to be, it will happen." This is what Dan told me on sunday night during our long talk. I just had to have some closure or some idea of what is in store for us. He is going to start school in January and I am so excited. This has been part of our rollercoaster. He just has not been to sure about things, but now he is good to go.

I had a wonderful weekend and I enjoyed spending time with him and getting away from my normal routine. I am pretty sure this relationship will be good to go for awhile. But I really miss him right now and I am totally greatful to him and his aunt.

Here is a picture of us from this summer.


carolyn said...

You guys are very cute together. I'm glad I get to play the aunt role. I hope you are having a great time in Michigan for the holidays. Remember the we miss you here in S Utah. We even had snow just for you.

Erika said...

Sarah, I miss you! I hope you're having a marvelous break, and I will try and call you back tomorrow. Things have been busy busy here with more dr. appts and hair cuts (not me yet though). Have a very Merry Christmas!