Monday, August 25, 2008

24 Years Of My Life

Today is my birthday and I am offically 24 years old. I can't believe that I have been alive for 24 years and all of the things I have been through. So I thought I would do my 24 favorites of my life.

24. Spending time in Iron River
23. Going to Wisconsin Dells
22. Going to College in Alaska
21. Spending a week in Barrow Alaska, Top of the World
20. Spending every summer with my grandparents
19. Going to Spain when I was in high school
18. Going to Germany
17. Moving to Arizona
16. Driving across Country
15. Seeing my baby cousin Trevor, David, LeRoy,Danielle, Shaylynn, Tyler, Kyle, and all the others for the first time
14. Going to the zoos
13. Meeting all of my wonderful friends for the first time
12. Teaching Second grade
11. Seeing the smiles on all of my students faces every day
10. Learning to drive
9. Spending time with my great grandparents
8. Spending time with my grandma
7. Going to Vegas with friends
6. Going to NSYNC concert
5. Driving across country with my grandpa
4. Going to Juneau on a ferry
3. Student teaching
2. My school and people I work with
And my all time favorite (as you can tell some things are a struggle)................
1. Being with my parents, family, and friends. I am sure this is everyone's favorite but as I look back over my life, these are the people I have spend the most of my life with. They have always been there for me. For example, today I recieved 48 cupcakes with 5 minutes left to my class for the day. So I saved them for after school. A bunch of us teachers said and talked and ate some of the cupcakes. Now I have the rest for tonight with my grandpa and friends. I will post pictures of the cupcakes later. They are in the shape of an apple. I will have to post about that later so you know why. Let's just say it is part of my classroom theme. So pictures and more later.


Erika said...

I so hope you had a good birthday, we will need to celebrate more appropriately once we get paid! I had it in my head that your birthday was the 24th... sorry about that. Hope it was good anyway though!

Lindsay said...

Happy Birthday yesterday! Hope you had a great day.

jenreb said...

Hey, Happy be-lated birthday! I can't believe you are only 24. That makes me feel so old, but I hope it was a good one. Thanks for commenting on my blog. My middle name is Marie, too. I think that is pretty cool. If I have another daughter down the line, I think that will be her middle name. Sorry, I am rambling. I hope this whole SEI thing goes good and that your kids are good for you. We don't want unhappy teachers(: