Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of School Year 2

So yesterday was the first day of school. I didn't know what to write last night about it and I was totally busy too. I was kind of at a lost for how I felt the day went. I am teaching the new SEI class at school. The state passed this wonderful law and I got to be wonderful teacher who will teach it for second grade. So far so good, right? So my day started with the kids coming in and me throwing some routines at them and giving them a math test. They were totally quiet and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Then came lunch, which showed me they were warmed up to me and ready to go. They like to talk, but most can stop and know I mean business when I ask them to stop, except for one. She learned today though that I mean business.

All in all I have to say the day went well. I really like this bunch I have this year. They are quite a handful all 24 of them, but they each are different and love to share something with me. I did not have any scary experiences, just a crier, which Lisa got her to stop real fast. She cried today too, but stopped before the class started.

I am also finding that I have loads of time to do some fun stuff with them that is helping their English. Maybe this idea from the state is not a bad idea. We will see as the year progresses.


Lindsay said...

I'm glad to hear that you are optimistic. This is going to be an exciting year. Hope things work out with the SEI program. Great things could really happen.

Lindsay said...

PS You are welcome to see the girls anytime.

Steph said...

I'm glad your day went well. I hope you stay close to 24 kids. Anymore than that will be crazy! It is fun having this little bit of the SEI change this year. I hope it is successful! Good luck and thanks for your help. BTW, we might need some more of it (we meaning mostly Cathy). her template is a little messed up? Since your the new computer expert, I might need you to show me how to add some cells. See you tomorrow!