Friday, September 19, 2008

Top 5 Of My Wonderful Week

Finally, Finally I have had a good week. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I guess I am finally realizing that there is hope, I am just going to have to look past what they can't do and be happy with what they can do. They are great kids and I love them all.

5. Saying goodbye to a friend:( My friend and co worker Amber moved away this week. She and her husband got a new job in Wyoming and we had to say goodbye to her this week. It was very sad and her little boy is getting so so big. I miss her already and so does everyone at school.

4. Being teased in the lunchroom! Yeah in some weird way my kids found out the teacher I am interested. Maybe it is because I was talking to one of his students about him and she was asking me questions about myself for him. So it is weird because when I see him in the lunchroom I am too chicken to say anything to him, but my kids are totally into picking on me and letting me know he is there. The lunch lady put them all on the wall for it, but she is another story. She wants absolute silence in the lunchroom and it bugs me.

3. Tutoring the 5th graders! Yeah this is my new job besides teaching all day long. I have decided that I want to help the kids out as much as possible. These are an interesting group of children, believe me. The first group I have is really quiet and well behaved. The second group has a mind of its own and just loves to do whatever they want and they don't care what happens to them. But I know they will change and they will learn. In the words of one of the kids," Learning isn't fun and I don't like to do it." That will change.

2. Finally getting to talk to him! Well here is the cutest story ever. My little student Louis decided to go over to Mr. Brewster last night while he was coaching soccer and let him know I was in my room and that I liked him. Mr. Brewster told him to tell me to come outside. So I was telling Mrs. Mills about this and decided to clean my window and hers. That is another problem at our school, but anyways. I went out and was cleaning windows and soon he was saying hi to me and then telling me to come and play soccer. Because it was hot, I told him no and then he was over talking to me. We talked for awhile and then someone got hurt and we ended the conversation. When I left to go home, I purposely walked out my backdoor just so he would see I was leaving. He said bye and all of his kids were like, "OOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MR. BREWSTER!" I loved it so much. I was glad we finally started talking. Now we will see what happens next.

1. Having A Good Talk with my buddy Daniel! He is always there for me. He is a good guy and when the things today were going to crap today, he made it better. I am so glad I met this guy. He is a good friend.


Lindsay said...

Check out the new site and let me know. Keep in mind it is just a very rough draft.

Steph said...

I hope I start seeing the "light" at the end of the tunnel too!