Monday, May 19, 2008

Manic Monday

So today started like any other Monday. It was going really well until I got to school.... I did not realize all the work I have to do this week.
* Inventory
*Water Day
*Writing Folders
*A Book
*Grades................. The list goes on and on and on and on. Those are just what I can remember. So I started by working on the writing folders and it took me all morning. Then I had to do school square with my class and it is so hot out. But at least my buddy Thomas came in and set up my printer for me, so that has made it a bit better. And right now Miss O'Brien's class is in doing a play, which gives me a chance to fill out my awards for this year. I just can't believe I have to have a good portion of my neverending list done by Tuesday since one of my students is leaving that early. What am I going to do?? I guess no dates or social life this week.

1 comment:

Steph said...

Yea. Tis the life of a teacher. No matter how hard you try or how "prepared" you feel you are, the end of the year just sneaks up on you! I wish I could say it will get better as the years go by, but it doesn't! It is always crazy! Remember, I OWE you! Please give me one of your projects to work on! I like cleaning. I can help you with that if you want!